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1986 BBI Magnaspread TH For Sale in Omaha, NE

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1986 Magnaspread TH Image
The Registry, LLC
Call: 833-265-6113
Contact Seller: I would like to:
Transmission - -
Stock # 23402
Estimated Monthly Payment
$452 mo Apply Now
J.J. Best Banc & Co.

1986 BBI Magnaspread TH


1986 BBI Magnaspread TH Serial Number: F1110 Looking for a reliable spreader that's ready to work? Look no further than the 1986 BBI Magnaspread TH! With a 10-ton capacity and a powerful 3208 CAT engine, this spreader is built to handle even the toughest jobs. And with a rebuilt hydraulic steering system, new spreader and spinner motors, and new air brakes, it's more reliable than ever before. Plus, with a powered unit included and an automatic Allison transmission, it's easy to operate and maintain. So if you're looking for a spreader that's well-maintained and ready to work, the BBI Magnaspread TH is the perfect choice! Located in Mcgee, MO 63763 Stock Number: 23402 FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 833-265-6113

Price: $26,000.
Transmission - -
Stock # 23402
VIN ID_520501844
Estimated Monthly Payment
$452 mo Apply Now
J.J. Best Banc & Co.
The Registry, LLC
Call: 833-265-6113
Contact Seller: I would like to:
Offered for sale by
The Registry, LLC
Call 833-265-6113
Mention AutaBuy.com when you call.

Price: $26,000.
Offered for sale by
The Registry, LLC
Call 833-265-6113
Mention AutaBuy.com when you call.

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